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by Leon Rosenshein

Perspective 2

Consider this


"Everyone has this problem so clearly we can tolerate it"


"Everyone has this problem so clearly we should solve it"

Start with the exact same situation and come up with the opposite result. How is that possible? Is one right and one wrong?

As usual, my answer is, It Depends. It depends on what the problem is. It depends on the impact of the problem. It depends on your goal. It depends on your capabilities. It depends on what you mean by tolerate and solve. But most of all, it depends on the perspective you look at it from.

The problem, whatever it is, is how the current state differs from a desired state. Your perspective is what determines how you see it. Do you see the problem as an impediment to everyone’s progress that you should just minimize and move on, or do you see it as an opportunity to improve things? An opportunity to give yourself a competitive advantage by removing the impediment.

Solving the problem is better. So, we should be solving every problem we see, immediately, right? Unfortunately, no. You can’t solve every problem. You really can’t solve every problem at once. And partial solutions are often worse than the original problem, so you don’t want to start something you’re not going to finish. Which means you need to take the time to understand the problem and make an informed decision about which problem(s) to solve and which to tolerate (for now).

Which brings us back to what it depends on. Does the problem take 5 minutes, once a week, or 10 seconds 25 times a day for 100 people? That’s big difference to its impact. Will it take a few hours to fix or a few months? The ratio of impact to cost is a big input. Is the problem (and its impact) on the critical path to your strategic goals? If it is, the importance goes up. Do you have capability to solve the problem? The knowledge, the time, and the resources? Since those aren’t unlimited, what isn’t going to get done if you solve this problem? What’s the impact of not solving that problem? The costs and benefits aren’t always obvious, and the trade-offs are even less obvious.

The key though is the perspective you see it from. Is it an impediment or an opportunity?

by Leon Rosenshein

Write Your Unit Tests FIRST

There are at least a couple of ways to take that. There’s the temporal definition of first, meaning you should write your unit tests before you write the code that makes the tests pass. That’s pretty straightforward. Write a set of tests that verify the functionality you’re about to build. Write some more tests that verify failure modes. When all your tests pass you’re (almost) done. That’s classic test driven development, or as I like to call it, design by example. It’s not perfect, but when you’re done you have working code, proof that it works, and some examples of how it’s expected to be used. If that’s the only way you interpret “Write your unit tests FIRST” you’ve gotten a lot of benefit.

But you can get even more by writing your test FIRST. That’s FIRST, the acronym. It’s not a TLA, but it’s close.

  • Fast : Unit tests need to be fast. You’re going to be running them hundreds (thousands) of times. Even more if you’re using Continuous Testing. The longer they take the more intrusive they are, or worse, they start to get skipped, which eliminates much of the benefit
  • Isolated : Each test should stand alone. It shouldn’t require any other test runs first, or set the stage for the next test. Ideally all the tests can run in parallel with no change to the results. They should be fully isolated from external systems, and if some kind of resource is needed it should be created by the test before it runs. Finally, the test should test one and only one thing. Test the happy path. Test a specific failure mode. Test initialization. In the limit there’s only one assert on the result. Not always possible, but a good goal.
  • Repeatable : Each test should give the exact same result every time. Partly that comes from being isolated, but also includes handling of threads, race conditions, setup/cleanup, and (pseudo) random numbers. All flaky tests do is waste time. First you waste time figuring out it’s a flaky test, then you’re wasting time running tests that don’t mean anything.
  • Self-Verifying : Unit tests either pass or fail. And they pass or fail as a group. They can’t require someone to look at the results and decide if it’s pass or fail. If there’s something important to the result in the console or log output then capture it and look at it. No asking a human to decide. There’s no such thing as needing 80% or better passing to call it success. No, "test A or B can fail, but not both". If that’s really the way it is then write your tests such that a single test passes or fails based on that criteria.
  • Timely : Tests are written in a timely manner. There’s really two benefits here. You get the design by example from above, but you also make sure your code is testable. Sure, you can always refactor the code to make it testable, but why? If you do it that way the first time you don’t have to go back and redo it. There’s going to be a lot of re-work as you learn more anyway, so why add to the burden?

So before you go diving into some code, either to fix a bug or implement something, write the tests FIRST.

by Leon Rosenshein

Sooner, not Faster

What’s better, faster or sooner? More to the point, what’s the difference between them, and why should you care?

Let’s start with some definitions:


  1. Moving or able to move quickly

    She’s a very fast runner.
    a fast car

  2. Happening quickly : taking a short amount of time

    a fast race
    We’re off to a fast start.

  3. Operating quickly a fast computer


  1. Without undue time lapse : BEFORE LONG

    soon after sunrise

  2. In a prompt manner : SPEEDILY

    as soon as possible the sooner the better
    no sooner said than done

At its core, fast is about speed. It’s about movement. Speed is distance divided by time, so more speed is either more distance or less time.

Sooner, on the other hand, is temporal. It’s about time. It’s about the time between starting and finishing. The only way to be sooner is to take less time.

So faster is a function of distance and time, while sooner is just a function of time. Sooner is faster, but faster isn’t always sooner. That’s the key difference, and why you should care.

To know which is better though, first you need to define better. In this situation I define better as maximizing value added. That means value as defined by the customer/user, not as defined by the set of features provided. Which means getting feedback and acting on it.

Combined, that means sooner is better than faster. Sooner means whatever value is being delivered gets delivered before it otherwise would have. Getting feedback earlier and being able to act on it means you deliver what the customer wants/needs before you might have.

And that’s where being agile comes in. Working software. Customer collaboration, Responding to change. That helps you deliver sooner, not faster.

by Leon Rosenshein

Decisions 2 (if ... elseif ... elseif ... elseif ...)

Speaking of the difference between a choice and a decision, the number of choices you have to pick from can deeply influence the decisions you make about the code you write. Because the number of choices you have can sometimes drive the implementation of the decision of how to do something far from where you actually make the decision.

You could do it up-front, with a set of micro-decisions, but you better know what the options are and make all the right choices then. If you do it that way though you don’t have much flexibility, because by the time the decision starts to impact what happens you’re far from the decision and it’s often too late to adjust. A better choice is to push the decision up the stack and abstract away the implementation down the stack to where more (context and detail) is known and the impact is clearer.

Another way to look at it is to think about some simple non-branching code. It proceeds from statement to statement doing whatever it’s told. All the choices were made by the compiler a long time ago. At runtime there are no decisions to be made.

Now add a simple if statement. Everything runs along smoothly, but somewhere in the middle there’s a decision and something different happens. If there’s only one of them then it’s a special case and (almost) everyone knows about it and expects it.

Of course, as time goes on more special cases show up, and the simple if turns into an if ... elseif ... elseif .... They look clean. But pretty soon new requirements show up. Special case upon special case, with sub-cases and caveats, to the point where you build a truth table, hope you get it right, then implement it. Eventually no-one is sure what happens, or why. Look at this code I wrote a year ago. It got so bad I put in a comment explaining what was supposed to happen because it wasn’t obvious to me, let alone someone else, from reading the code.

var filteredEntries []userstate.StateEntry
initialTargetLen := len(targets)
for _, entry := range entries {
    req := entry.Value.(authutils.GetCredentialsRequest)
    // This is getting complicated, so breaking it down. We EXCLUDE a profile if ALL of these conditions are false
    // 1) The user specified a list of profiles and the current profile is one of them
    // 2) The user did not specify a list of profiles AND specified the --all flag OR the --aws flag
    // 3) The user did not specify a list of profiles, the current profile is not an admin profile,
    //       and the user did NOT specify the --admin flag
    // 4) The user did not specify a list of profiles, the current profile is an admin profile,
    //        and the user specified the --admin flag

    if !((initialTargetLen > 0 && targets[entry.Key]) ||
        (initialTargetLen == 0 && (refreshParams.Flags.All || refreshParams.Flags.Aws)) ||
        (initialTargetLen == 0 && roleIsAdmin(req.AWSRole) == refreshParams.Flags.Admin)) {
    filteredEntries = append(filteredEntries, entry)
    delete(targets, entry.Key)

Try adding a new parameter that interacts with that logic. Combinatorial explosion. And it’s possible (likely) that some of the flags are mutually exclusive. It needs to be fixed, and one day I’ll get to it. Probably the next time I need to add something. At that point I’ll figure out how to extract the logic in some flag/parameter abstract way.

The problem is that the decision (what the user wants to do) is made far away temporally from when the code needs to decide. And on a completely different timeline new requirements get added. And this code makes that hard.

Making that kind of change easy is an architectural decision. There are lots of ways to do it. Everything from changing the requirements to objects, abstractions, inheritance, and interfaces. And they should all be considered before a decision is made.

by Leon Rosenshein

Is That a Choice or a Decision

I’ve talked about evaluating your decision based on what you knew at the time instead of the outcome of the decision before. That’s as true now as it ever was. Unfortunately, that’s a retrospective approach to understanding the quality of your decision. It doesn’t help much while you’re trying to make the decision.

As much as it would make my job easier, I don’t have a time machine that will let me evaluate my decisions based on what I find out later. But there are some rules of thumb that can help to ensure that you’re making a good decision, in the moment, regardless of what ends up happening.

The simplest, and most important, is to make sure that you’re actually making an informed decision. Sticking with the status quo, or taking the first option you come up with isn’t a decision. It’s a choice, but it’s not a decision. To make a decision you need to make a choice between options. If there’s only one option it’s rule by fiat or declaration.

That means you need at least two options to make a decision. Do or Do Not (there is no try). Do A or B. At least you’re making a choice now. Arguably a decision. But it’s a very limited one. Those kinds of choices are often polar opposites, and the world is rarely that simple.

Which means you need to avoid the tyranny of or. Sure, some choices are truly binary, but most aren’t. It’s not this or that, but more often, a little bit of this and some more of that. It’s conjunction junction. Hooking up tasks and options and choices into a coherent whole that solves the problem. Shades of grey.

So next time you need to make a decision, remember, if you have:

  • 1 choice you’re making a decision by fiat or declaration
  • 2 choices you’re probably choosing between polar opposites. Avoid the tyranny of OR
  • 3+ choices and you’re making a more informed decision based on knowledge of the situation.
by Leon Rosenshein


You’ve probably heard of flow. That perfect balance of concentration, energy, attention, and understanding that leads to progress. You’ve probably been in a flow state a few times. It seems magical. You get more done than you expected and when you’re done the result feels right. Everything seems to click and the code is something you’re proud of.

And it’s by no means restricted to development, or just creative endeavors, but also in repetitive, assembly line, types as well. One of my early jobs was at a concrete block factory. Everything from running the molding machine to loading trucks, and pretty much everything in between. 

There was a lot of automation, but we also did a bunch of semi-custom work that added manual steps to the process. Particularly the part of putting the finished blocks into cubes on pallets so they could be stored in the yard or loaded for shipment. Some of the patterns we needed to use so the blocks interlocked and didn’t fall off when the truck went around a corner were complicated.

Even worse, some of them were rough split, so we had to keep pairs together so they fit well. Some days running the cuber was a struggle. Getting things in just the right place as more blocks kept flying down the line was hard. It felt like Lucy in the candy factory. Nothing seemed to go smoothly and eventually we’d either have to get more people at the cuber or hit the pause button and get caught up. Other days it, with the exact same kind of blocks, and the machine running at the exact same speed, things would just flow.

More relevant to us though is flow as a developer. I think this is an urban legend, but the XKCD page on the Ballmer Peak is real. And there’s certainly truth to the idea of reducing inhibitions to increase creativity. Pretty sure blood-alcohol-content isn’t the best way to get that increase, and stress and anxiety make things worse. So what does go into enabling flow?

The most common way of looking at it is to compare how your skill level at a task compares to the challenge of the task. Seems reasonable. With the caveat that your skill level at a task has an inverse, but non-linear, relationship to how much of a challenge it is. For any given task, the better at it you are, the less of a challenge it will be. The current model looks a lot like

Complex definition of flow

To me that just looks like a color wheel though. It’s visually round, which seems odd, and oddly specific. The sharp boundaries between states just doesn’t feel right.

What does feel right, to me at least, is a much older version of that image.

Simple explanation of flow

It’s the same author, but 40+ years older. It could probably do with a little more detail on the areas outside of flow, but for visualizing the difference between flow and not flow, I think it captures the real driver, which is a proper balance of skill and challenge. It might be hard to do, but you know you can do it, or it might be easy, and you can do it very easily. Either way, there’s a balance.

That’s why we like flow. Not because the task is easy, but because the mental state is easy. There’s no anxiety, boredom, worry, or apathy to deal with. All of your mental energy can go into accomplishing the task. Which also explains why so much gets done.

But here’s the catch. Flow is productive, but it’s often not growth. At all but the highest challenge/skill levels, you’re doing things that you know how to do. There will be incremental improvement, but to really make a step change to your skill/ability, you need to challenge yourself to go beyond your skill level. And there’s no flow there.

by Leon Rosenshein

Roller Coasters

Roller Coasters can be fun. Big drops. High speeds. Adrenaline rushes. And most of our offices have them relatively close. There’s the Steel Curtain at Kennywood, the Demon at Great America, and the Mind Eraser at Elitch Gardens. There’s even Roller Coaster Trail outside Bozeman.

From the outside it’s big and scary looking. You have some glimpses, but no understanding. You’re in line waiting to in and give it a try. There are folks in line with you who are very familiar with it. They’re telling you how wonderful it is. They describe the details and how it makes all the other coasters look tame.

There are also folks in line for the first time. They’re laughing nervously. Not quite sure what they’ve gotten themselves into. You can see the tension. The glances at the big drop or the loop. When a car rattles overhead they startle or duck. But they keep slowly moving forward. Nervously settling into the car when it’s their turn.

You start up the first big hill. The experienced folks are cheering. The novices are enjoying the view, but their heart rate and blood pressure are going up. They nervously check pockets to make sure things are secure.

You reach the top of the hill. Speed picks up. Wind in your hair. You float a little (or maybe a lot) in the seat. Let out a scream or two. The track levels out, the G-force builds. A couple of dips and sharp turns and you realize, you’ve got this. It’s fun. Probably with doing again. You start back up the other big hill. You’re confident. You’ve done this before.

Then the track drops out from under you. You’re in free fall. Then you’re upside down in a loop, a corkscrew, or both. How did we get here? What just happened? About the time you’ve internalized it you’re back at the station. An experienced rider, quite likely ready to do it again.

But there’s another kind of roller coaster we deal with a lot more often. That’s the roller coaster of understanding. It goes something like this.

Rollercoaster of understanding

New technologies are like that. I understand most of Kubernetes. I’ve been using Golang for a few years now. I’m pretty sure I get go functions and channels, but I’ve felt that way before, so there might be another hill coming.

Learning patterns is the same way. When you first learn them, you see the application for them everywhere, and you overuse them. But with time and experience, you learn not just when and how to use them, when and how to not use them.

And it's not just learning that is like a roller coaster. There are so many parts of the development cycle that feel like that. But those are stories for another time.

Regardless, the key is to push through. With humility as you realize there’s always more to learn.

by Leon Rosenshein

Getting Feedback

It’s feedback season again. There’s lots of advice on how and when to give feedback. The internet is full of it. What you don’t see so much of, and what’s about to become very relevant, is how to receive feedback. Like any other communication, regardless of how the message is sent, if it's not received there’s no information transfer.

So what can you do as the receiver of feedback? What is your role in the process? There are some simple things you can do to make getting feedback as effective as possible. And it doesn’t matter if you’re getting the feedback from a manager, peer, subordinate, or someone you only had incidental contact with.

First and most important, listen. Hear what the feedback is. Make sure you understand what is being said. Take notes. Ask clarifying questions if needed. It doesn’t matter if you think the person giving the feedback misunderstood or misheard or is wrong. Your job as the receiver is to get the information being delivered. That means you don’t control the conversation. Not the timing, and not the direction. Don’t put words in their mouths. You can ask clarifying questions, but not leading questions. 

Second, don’t defend yourself or your action(s). This isn’t the time for that. Just take it in. Write it down. It goes back to listening first. Again, clarifying questions can be ok, but asking the giver to look at it from a different angle or asking if some new information changes their opinion deflects from what they’re trying to say.

Third, look for trends. Did you hear the feedback once, in a specific situation, from one person multiple times, or from many people over many instances? Is it something you only hear at work, or is it something you’ve heard in multiple contexts?

Fourth, don’t make instant promises. Unless the feedback is simple, like “I prefer to be called Tim rather than Timothy.” You’ll need to think about what was said, when and how often the situation arises, what you can do, and what you should do. The time to do that is not when you're supposed to be listening to the other person.

And finally, say thanks. The giver put themselves out there. Especially if it’s a subordinate or junior. They did their part and deserve thanks.

Of course, after you get the feedback comes the hard part. Interpreting it, understanding it, and making changes.

by Leon Rosenshein


What is efficiency? According to Merriam Webster, efficiency is:

Efficiency (noun):

the ability to do something or produce something without wasting materials, time, or energy : the quality or degree of being efficient

Ex: Because of her efficiency, we got all the work done in a few hours.
Ex: The factory was operating at peak efficiency.

But what does that really mean? And how does it change depending on what you’re doing/producing? Do you measure efficiency the same way when you’re building a bridge, running a sprint, running a marathon, creating an original painting, or building software? Of course not. I ran across this distinction by Jessica Kerr.

“Efficiency” is about fewer steps, uniformity, control— only when building the same thing over and over. 

“Efficiency” in building something new is about smaller steps, exploration, quick learning.

There’s something very subtle going on there. When you know exactly what to do and when to do it, being efficient means ensuring that everything happens exactly as planned, and exactly when planned. Anything beyond that minimum is wasted effort. Something to be eliminated when you’re trying to be more efficient.

On the other hand, when you don’t know exactly what to do next, when to do it, or what it will look like when you’re done, you approach it the other way. Take small steps. See if they work. Adjust and make sure you’re going in the right direction. Instead of a detailed roadmap with explicit steps (Taylorism), you have a sea chart. You have a goal, and you have the environment. The goal gives you your strategic direction. The environment helps you make tactical decisions.

We often use the first version because it gives us a sense of control. It’s rework avoidance theory. Define the path, execute the plan, arrive at the goal. No rework required.

Unless there is. If you just follow the plan you reach the last step and look up to see where you are. You might be close, you might be where you started, or you might be even further away. You won’t know until you get there. So you don’t know how much rework there’s going to be. You do know one thing though. The less you know about the environment between you and the goal, the further off you’re going to be when you finish the plan.

So if you want to execute efficiently through the unknown, take many more much smaller steps.

by Leon Rosenshein


A SPOF is a single point of failure. It’s that one little thing that everything else depends on and doesn’t have redundancy. Like building an entire electric grid to make sure you have power available, adding an external generator and battery backup in case the grid fails, and building your house with multiple circuits to each room, then having a single line going from the battery/generator/grid multiplexer to the house. If that single line fails you’re out of power. At least in that case if the line fails you can probably run an extension cord from the working power supply directly to the house.

Now consider the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). As I write this the JWST is about 500,000 miles from the Earth and is undergoing a complex, complicated process to get things ready for its real work. One of the biggest things it needs to get done is unfold its sunshield so the cold side stays cold. The sunshield, when unfolded, is the size of a tennis court and consists of 5 layers of incredibly thin (< 0.05mm) kapton film sheets. What makes it complicated is that the sunshield is packed for travel, it, along with all the rest of the satellite, needs to fit into a 5x15 meter fairing for launch. What makes it complex, is that during the unfolding process everything needs to move together at the right speed with the right force to avoid wrinkles and tears. On top of that, it needs to do it in a vacuum and microgravity. So you end up with 344 SPOFs.

Since it’s 500,000 miles away, in conditions that can’t be replicated reliably for any meaningful duration, testing in real conditions is hard. You can do lots of unit tests. You can do some underwater tests to approximate microgravity. But integration tests, not so much. So you plan. And you plan some more. You consider failure modes and build in contingencies. Then you build contingencies for your contingencies. And after all that, and $10,000,000,000 you launch with 344 SPOFs. In that case you have to have way more than 2 9’s confidence in your SPOFs. You need 4 or 5. That’s impressive.

So next time someone says it’s too hard to get 4 9’s on a highly available system remind them of the JWST, which got that kind of reliability with 344 SPOFs, so doing it Earthside, where you can touch things, change them, and have redundancy should be (relatively) easy.