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by Leon Rosenshein

The Gift Of Feedback

People keep saying feedback is a gift. And as the recipient of feedback, that's a good approach to take. If someone goes out of their way to give you feedback you should at least think about it. You certainly had enough of an impact to make the person take the time to provide the feedback, so take the time to consider it.

But what do you do if you're not getting feedback. You could assume you're perfect. That would be nice, but really? I know I'm not perfect so I have to ask. It's also built in to our perf process, so it must be important, right? So how do you effectively ask for feedback? How do you get someone to provide their valuable time to help you? I've found a couple of things that help.

First, enlightened self interest is a great motivator. Don't just ask for feedback, explain that you want to make <insert area here> better for the person and you want their feedback on how you could do a better job doing that that you do.

Second, generally speaking, people want to help. So ask for advice, not feedback. Feedback is work and critical. Advice is easy and helpful.

So, practicing what I'm saying, I want these little notes to be interesting and impactful for you, the reader. What advice can you give me to make these notes more useful for you?

by Leon Rosenshein

Language Security

In the spirit of Security Awareness month and in today’s homage to bad research, I present What are the most secure programming languages. There is so much wrong with this doc I don’t know where to start. I’m sure there are many data scientists here who can quote chapter and verse about the flaws, but there are a couple I want to touch on.

The first has nothing to do with data science or research, it’s the on the editorial/marketing side. 17 pages of words, charts, and graphs, and they never actually say what the most secure languages are. They list all kinds of problems, but they never follow through on their promise.<

Second, the most common vulnerabilities listed, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Input Validation, Permissions, Privileges, and Access Control, and Information Leak / Disclosure are stupid human tricks, Yes, C/C++ makes it harder to get memory right and has more buffer overrun errors, but come on folks. Let’s not blame the language for our mistakes. Input Validation? Permissions, privileges, and Access control? We should know better than that.

by Leon Rosenshein


How do you grow as a developer? How do you get better at your craft? What should you be doing? There are lots of recommendations online, lots of proposed approaches. I think it comes down to a couple of things though. The first is practice. Solve lots of different problems. Not the same thing over and over again.

One of my old marching band instructors said "Don't practice until you get it right, practice until you can't get it wrong." That works for marching band, where you're doing the same thing over and over again, but not for us where we're trying to solve new problems all the time. In "Outliers" Malcom Gladwell wrote that it takes 10,000 hours to be an expert. And it's 10,000 different hours, not the same hour 10,000 times. Not just trying new things, but making new mistakes and learning from them.

The second is reading and reviewing code. Reading and reviewing code does lots of different things. It helps you know what else is going on around you and how your part fits in. It helps you learn new things by seeing how other people solved problems. It also makes you teach. When you see something that seems wrong in a PR and you need to explain yourself then one of the first things you need to do is deeply understand the point you're trying to make.

What do you all think? What makes a senior developer?

by Leon Rosenshein

Doc Culture

Doc Culture I've touched on this a couple of times before, but never focused on it. ATG is a large organization. There are lots of people to talk to and lots of channels to talk through. We also have lots of meetings. So many that teams are starting to institute "No Meeting xxxday" so people can focus for extended blocks of time. Uninterrupted time for focus is great. We should have more of it. Clustering meetings definitely helps, but it doesn't actually reduce the meeting load. What if we could do something to make meetings more effective and reduce the total meeting load? That would be a real advantage. A place to start is to think about why you're having the meeting and decide if it's necessary. The second is to to decide who needs to be there, which depends greatly on the answer to the first question.

There are lots of reasons to have meetings. For the sake of this discussion let's talk about the 4 big ones. Information Sharing, Brainstorming, Collaborating, and Decision Making. For information sharing meetings, do you really need it, or can you just send out an email/doc with the information? Sometimes realtime feedback or the topic is important enough that it makes sense, but think about it. Brainstorming/jamming requires people to be together (at least virtually) and have real-time interaction with each other to build on ideas, but who needs to be there? It's important to get diverse perspectives, but i a person is unengaged then they're not helping anyone by being there. Let people vote with their feet. Similarly, with deep collaboration, a small handful of people, focusing on a topic can be very effective. Bystanders, kibbitzers, and lookie-lou's just slow things down, so think about who's there.

Decision making. There's something we can really work on. How many meetings have you been to where the person who called the meeting asked "Has everyone read the doc?" and most folks looked down at the table? Or you get halfway through the meeting and realize that the person who should be making the decision isn't there? Or the walls are lined with folks need to know the answer, but don't really have any input? Think of the person-hours we could save if we made that part better.

Another way to make decision making meetings more efficient is the Amazon approach. Make sure you have the right folks in the room, both decision makers and people who can provide both overview and detailed information. Start the meeting by presenting a written narrative discussion of the problem and proposed solution and have everyone take 15-30 minutes and read it. Then, with an agenda and that context, discuss the points, make a decision and leave. Of course if it were that easy everyone would be doing it. It takes work, It's much harder to write a doc, in full sentences, that convinces people then to put together a set of bullet points and steamroll to a pre-ordained decision, but doing it the hard way gets a better decision, wastes less people's time, and when you're done you have a record not only of the decision, but why it was made. And, it puts the burden of communication and making sure the right message is received on the person sending the message, which, according to communication theory, is the right place.

by Leon Rosenshein


Objectives, Indicators, and Agreements. What’s the difference, who do they apply to, and why should you care?

The Objective is the vision you share (with your customers). It’s what you want to do. It’s how things would look in a (realistic) perfect world.

The Indicator is how you know what’s really going on. How you define your indicators is critical, because if the don’t measure and report on your objective your setting yourself (and your customers) up for failure.

The Agreement is the contract you have with your customers. It’s the promise you make about how close to your SLO you’re guaranteeing, and what you’re going to do if you don’t get there.

And before we get to far along, I want to respond to that mumbled comment in the back row about this not applying because “I don’t have any customers”. Yes, you do have customers. Unless you’re doing some side project that impacts no-one and you never tell anyone anything about, you have customers. From the obvious things like a service guaranteeing to respond within X ms, to a single number in a weekly verbal status report, someone is looking at the information and functionality you’re providing. That person is your customer. The person could be on your team, could be on a elated team, could be a data scientist pulling data out of the data lake, or even, one day soon, a person on the side of the rode that pushed a button and expects a care to show up. We ALL have customers.

Now that that’s out of the way, back to the SL’s. You care because they impact everything you do. You design for your Objectives. You monitor your Indicators, and you operate to your Agreements. And you don’t just care when you miss your SLAs. Your SLA’s can help you way before that.

Remember when you started to design that system and you had to cut something? How did you know what to cut? How did you know what could wait until the next release? You used priorities. And where did those priorities come from? They didn’t appear fully developed and delivered by a PM as holy writ. They started with the Objectives and Agreements. What do you need to do, what do you want to do, what can you not do, and when do they need to be done by? That’s why you care about SLOs and SLAs you write the first line of code.

As for the SLIs, you get what you measure. SLIs don’t just wake you up in the middle of the night. If they’re done right they let you sleep in peace because you know things are going to be OK. They let you know when things get close to a red line before they get there so you can do something about it (and sleep peacefully). They do the same for your customers. They know that they can rely on you and can focus on their value add. They can tell when a problem is theirs and not bother you.

by Leon Rosenshein

Open Source

We all benefit from it. I know I do. The number of open source plugins/add-ons/tools I have had to install to make OSX useable as a developer system is way higher than I think it should be, but there it is. I've done a little bit to help out open source projects, from HDFS to Docker to Peloton. Not PRs or commits, but bug reports, beta testing, code contributions that someone else added, but the benefits I've getting fro OS tools far outweighs what I've put in. And that's true for just about everyone I've talked to or heard about, but not everyone. So how do those folks get compensated? What do we expect from them going forward? I think everyone should get to make that choice for themselves, but it can be a slippery slope. I don't think it's as bad as this article says, but it does raise some good points. How do we make sure we're not valuing "code" over "people"?

by Leon Rosenshein

One On One Meetings

What are they? That's easy. They're (usually) regularly scheduled 2 person meetings with a manager and direct report. What are they good for? More fundamentally, who are they for? Once you know and internalize the last question answers to any other questions become much clearer, so let's tackle that part first and be very clear.

1:1 meetings, whether between a manager and direct report, a skip level, or a meeting with the CEO, belong to, and are for, the subordinate. Not the manager. Not the Director. Not the CEO. That's not to say those people don't get value, but the 1:1 meeting belongs to, and is for, the subordinate.

What are your 1:1 meetings good for? As much as I don't like design by counter-example (there's a topic for the future), 1:1 meetings are NOT status meetings. Status may come up in the course of a discussion, but that's not why you're there. That said, they can be about anything you want, because it's your meeting. Things that they're commonly used for are giving and getting feedback, understanding what your manager really values, identifying blockers and enlisting help, finding and taking advantage of opportunities, bringing up new ideas and issues, and career development. A corollary to owning the 1:1 meeting is that you also own the growth of your career. Your manager is there to help you and help you take advantage opportunities, but the responsibility is yours.

So take ownership of your 1:1 meetings. Make sure they're scheduled. I find weekly is best because if you miss one it's only a week. If you have them scheduled every other week and miss one suddenly they're monthly meetings and that's probably not frequent enough. Be flexible, but don't let you manager slide every time. Be willing to move an instance, but have it. Have an agenda, and share it with your manager early so they're prepared. Keep a documented record of the meetings, including notes and action items.

by Leon Rosenshein
by Leon Rosenshein

Writing It Down

RFCs are critical. None of us know everything about every system, deeply understand all of the customer use cases, or can anticipate what some other group is working on. An RFC gets your ideas and plans down in a shareable and discussable format. It's about documenting a specific solution to a problem and gives others insight into what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how it might impact them. It lets others use their experience and point of view to help avoid problems in the future. This is critical to what we do and we should not only do more of, we should do more to at least be aware of everyone else's RFCs, commenting and questioning where appropriate. You can think of an RFC as a mission statement for a team/project.

But today's entry isn't about RFCs. It's about what comes before the RFC. The problem with RFCs is that they're largely static and represent the thinking at the beginning of the implementation cycle. Why are you writing that RFC anyway (hint: it's not because you need to check a box for next year's promo packet)? Whether you call them Filememos, Architectural Decision Records, RFPs, Vision Documents, or something else entirely, you write them to answer that question.

Writing the vision doc means understanding the problem you're solving, getting agreement on the required use cases, and documenting the goals and why those are the goals. It's about providing context for the next person (and sometimes that person is future you) who needs to care so they are working to the same goals and can make a choice compatible with those goals.

Development takes time. Existing use cases get changed and new ones get added. New people join the team. Multiple decisions get made every day. part of making those decisions is how things fit into the detailed design as put forth in the RFC. Equally important to those decisions is the business problem we're trying to solve. Vision docs describe the end state we want so those decisions, regardless of who makes them, are all in service of the same end state.

It doesn't matter if you're architecting a whole new self-driving vehicle, building an entire ML pipeline, or adding an endpoint to an existing service, you won't be working alone. For something the size of self-driving vehicle you need to understand the problem you're solving and make sure you, your co-developers, and especially your customers understand the problem you're trying to solve. Features are great. You solve problems with features, but your customers don't buy features. They buy solutions to problems (use cases). A vision doc keeps those solutions in the forefront at all times.

by Leon Rosenshein

Pattern Matching

We are pattern matching machines. We love them and we'll find and match patterns even if they're not there. From raindrops on a sidewalk to the stock market to assassinations of US Presidents, we project patterns into statistically knowable events and then make predictions. If your take the long view you'll do OK, but Hari Seldon's psychohistory? Maybe we'll get there one day, but today is not that day. The same applies to large, interdependent systems. We know they're going to have problems, we might even be able to predict how many will happen over a sufficiently long period, but we can't accurately predict when the next one is going to happen.

Black Swan is a seemingly random event that, in retrospect, we can see that it was inevitable. Just like the black swan, we don't know exactly when one of our systems is going to have a problem, but we know it will. Knowing that it will happen, we can prepare. We can think about a taxonomy of problems and put addition systems and processes in place to minimize their impact. Here's one such taxonomy and how we can learn from it.