by Leon Rosenshein

Thesaurus In Use

Software Architecture is bricks made up of the recursive application of sequence, selection, and iteration, emplaced within a superstructure of object oriented design, and plumbed with pipelines immutable data governed by functional programming.

    -- Uncle Bob Martin

There's a lot to unpack there. I think there's a typo in there, but the two changes I've come up with give the statement different meanings. And both are correct. So who knows. Let's break it down.

Software architecture is bricks: A group of self-contained blocks that are assembled in some particular fashion to produce something. I can get behind that.

Made up of the recursive application of sequence, selection, and iteration: Each of those bricks operates on the things inside. It puts them in some defined order, it picks the ones that matter, and it cycles through them all. When you get down to it, computers can only do simple things. They just do lots of them very quickly, giving the illusion of something bgi happening.

Emplaced within a superstructure of object oriented design: Placed within a framework of decoupled systems communicating via message passing (Alan Kay's definition, NOT C with classes)

Plumbed with pipelines immutable data: Here's where I think there's a typo. It could be pipelined immutable data or pipelines of immutable data. I like the former AND its Levenshtein distance is lower, so I'm going with that. In essence, the data flowing through the system shouldn't change. Sometimes it does, but we try to keep it to under control

Governed by functional programming: The key word here is governed. As in Control, influence, or regulate (a person, action, or course of events. Functional programming is a guideline. An aspirational goal, tempered by the reality of things like data size and storage. Functional means things never change value, so you don't need to worry if it has. The more functional, the less cognitive load. And that's always a good thing.

So what do you all think?