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by Leon Rosenshein

Ignorance As A Service

Extreme Programming has been around for a while. It brought with it the concept of pair programming. 2 (or more) developers working together on one keyboard to complete a single task. Sounds crazy, no? In practice it turns out not to be. Which leads to the next question. How long should a pair program together?

I came across this paper from 2005 that describes one company’s results from experimenting with how much time there should be between pair changes. Very surprisingly, their results showed that the best results came with 90 minute pairing sessions. The authors go into some detail about why that is. One of the biggest factors they found that made that important was that there was always one member of the pair who was not deeply familiar with the code being written.

That seems counter-intuitive. Making sure that part of the pair doesn’t know what’s going on makes it better? What they concluded was that it was because of the benefit of the Beginner’s Mind. Not just learning about something, but cultivating an active curiosity and openness to new things. This leads to fast and deep knowledge transfer. It also leads to new insights. Because the beginner comes without fixed/preconceived ideas, they ask questions that can lead to new avenues of thought.

But it goes beyond that. Before an “expert” can explain something, they need to understand it. If you don’t understand something you can describe it. What it is. How it responds to known inputs. Where it’s known to fall over. But to explain it, you need to deeply understand it. It’s that deep understanding that leads to clear explanations. More importantly, it also leads to simplification. To removing the cruft and noise that gets in the way of doing the one thing well and truly. To building a system that is easy to use, hard to misuse, and powerful enough to meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs.

Something to think about. And if you need to apply a beginner’s mind to your problem feel free to ask.

by Leon Rosenshein

More WAT?

Avoiding the Wat is important. It’s especially important when you’re designing APIs. APIs are for life. People will be using them long after you’ve stopped thinking about them and using them in ways you didn’t originally intend. When it comes to language design the stakes are even higher.

Consider the JavasScript language. It’s pretty widely used, so choices in the language design there are pretty impactful. JS has a lot of built in functionality. Among them are the in operator and the includes() method for arrays.

According to Mozilla, the in operator returns true if the specified property is in the specified object or its prototype chain, otherwise false, and the includes() method determines whether an array includes a certain value among its entries, returning true or false as appropriate. Both of those seem completely reasonable by themselves. The Wat? comes when you use them together.

Consider this little snippet of code:

let x = [1, 2, 3]
console.log("x: " + x + "\n\n")
console.log("1 in x        : " + (1 in x))
console.log("x.includes(1) : " + x.includes(1) + "\n")
console.log("2 in x        : " + (2 in x))
console.log("x.includes(2) : " + x.includes(2) + "\n")
console.log("3 in x        : " + (3 in x))
console.log("x.includes(3) : " + x.includes(3) + "\n")
console.log("4 in x        : " + (4 in x))
console.log("x.includes(4) : " + x.includes(4) + "\n")
console.log("0 in x        : " + (0 in x))
console.log("x.includes(0) : " + x.includes(0) + "\n")

Run that in your favorite REPL and you’ll get

x: 1,2,3
1 in x        : true
x.includes(1) : true
2 in x        : true
x.includes(2) : true
3 in x        : false
x.includes(3) : true
4 in x        : false
x.includes(4) : false
0 in x        : true
x.includes(0) : false

At first glance the results for 1, 2, and 4 make complete sense, while the results for 0 and 3 seem wrong. Technically they’re not. Because the in operator operates on the keys of an object and includes() looks at the values. And JS has decided that the indexes into an array are it’s keys. So as I said, it’s technically correct, but WAT?

Code is read way more often than it’s written, and you never want to confuse the reader. Clear, unambiguous names are important. includes() is pretty clear and unambiguous. Are any of the elements of the array you’re checking? No problems there. It’s the in operator that makes me go WAT?

First of all, it operates on the keys of a map, not the values. Standard usage of English says that if you ask if an element is in a collection you’re talking about values, not keys, so the operator should be keys or something like that. That would go a long way to avoiding the WAT. The other problem is that the in operator treats arrays as maps, with the indices as keys. WAT? Sure, if you dig down into the implementation you can see why/how that works, but no. It’s not right. It’s not an emergent feature that adds customer value. It’s a footgun just waiting to go off.

by Leon Rosenshein

ADRs and You

I’ve talked about Architectural Decision Records before. Today is the 10th anniversary of Michael Nygard’s original article on them so I wanted to mention them again. Not just to remind folks that we need to record our decisions (which we do), but also as a segue to what, and more importantly, who an architect is.

According to Martin Fowler, “Architecture is about the important stuff. Whatever that is.”. While not terribly specific, it’s a pretty good heuristic. Add in the reality that while we might know the problem we’re trying to solve at the beginning, and maybe even have a good idea of the initial approach, we don’t know what we don’t know, so the final answer, and its architecture, can't be fully known up front.

Which brings us to the concept of doorways. Every choice we make takes us through a door. We become aware of new opportunities and we lose sight of the opportunities we had on the other side of the door. Some of those choices are easily reversible, even after some time has passed. Those are two-way doors. Others are one-way doors. Those choices are much harder to change after the fact. Those decisions need more deliberation and a lot more documentation of the why behind the decision. As noted above though, we often don’t have the information and context needed upfront to make that decision, and you can’t always know what kind of door it’s going to be until you get there, long after the “design doc” has been written.

Regardless, that decision, especially if you’re going through a one-way door, is an architectural decision. By definition, the person making an architectural decision is an architect. That means that at one or more times in the development cycle, we’re all architects. And those architectural decisions need to be recorded. Because at some point, after the decision has been made and implemented, someone is going to have a question about why the decision was made the way it was. Because a new use case or edge case or requirement has come up and needs to be addressed. That person is going to need as much context as possible to decide what can be extended, what needs to changed, and what needs to be completely redone.

And now we’ve come full circle. We’re all architects and architectural decisions need to be recorded. The way to do that is with Architectural Decision Records.

by Leon Rosenshein

PR Comments

I’ve talked about what makes a good commit message. They’re important markers left for future developers to understand what changed and why as they look back to understand why things are the way they are. They’re also important in the moment to the people who are reviewing the code. They explain the purpose, expected changes and interactions, and potentially, what won’t change.

That’s important information when you’re reviewing a PR for a bunch of reasons. One of them is that it informs what you comment on. Any issues you see during the review should be noted, but that doesn’t mean they’re PR comments. Let’s say there’s a PR on some library function and you notice during the review that there are some uses of the method that don’t handle the returned error properly. You should definitely make a note, probably a ticket for the right group(s), but those fixes most likely shouldn't be part of the library change PR (unless the change is to how errors are reported). On the other hand, if you notice that some of the new code is a lot like other code in the library, that should be a comment on the PR.

Which leads to another way that the commit message helps inform how you make the comment. Generally speaking, PR comments come in 2 flavors, blocking and non-blocking. Blocking comments are those that the reviewer feels need to be fixed AND re-reviewed before it’s OK to land the change. Pretty straight forward.

It’s the non-blocking ones that can be more interesting. They can range from inquisitive/informational to “this needs to be fixed but I trust the author to get it right”. The challenge then is to make sure the author of the PR (one of the readers of the comment) understands the commenter’s intent. The easiest way to do that is to be explicit. Identify what kind of comment it is and what the expected response (if any) is.

In a larger PR, or where reviewers with different focuses are looking it might be helpful to add some identifiers. Maybe the comment is security related, or is particularly important for a specific use case. For example, a comment related to calling the method in a CI process vs a production service or a CLI app. Noting the difference will help bring awareness to the use case and possibly uncover additional issues.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that although comments are attached to a specific line of code, they might apply to a block/loop/method/library/etc. That means, particularly for the larger scoped comments, a one line subject can provide some context and let the reader know what’s coming. And if you need to provide context, you’ll want to provide the detail.

Which gives us a nice template to use for PR comments. Something like:

<label> [optional identifiers]: <subject>

In practice, this might look something like

nit: Misspelled word in error message, “thier” should be “their”

Which would be a blocking change that is expected to be fixed before land, but doesn’t need re-review. Or maybe

Suggestion: This logic is roughly duplicated in methods XXX, YYY, and ZZZ
A future PR be considered should refactor the logic into one place

Indicating a future task to decide if there should be a refactoring, and then in that case a new PR should be made to refactor. The existing PR should NOT be delayed/extended to include the refactoring.

Check out Conventional Comments for more examples and suggested labels/identifiers.

by Leon Rosenshein

Plans and Planning

We’re in the thick of planning season again, and at times like this it's helpful to remember something else Eisenhower said back in 1950, “Plans are worthless, but planning is essential.” That sounds paradoxical on the surface, but it’s a generalization of a line from von Moltke the Elder’s On Strategy, “no plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force.” And given Eisenhower’s background, that’s not an unsuprising source.

Thinking about it from that context, it’s not that paradoxical. It’s not that plans, in and of themselves, are worthless. It’s that plans make all sorts of assumptions about how the thing you’re making plans about are going to respond to the plan. And like any other assumption, reality is often very different.

So we know that long term plans are going to be problematic. But that doesn’t mean that planning (or even building the plan) is wasted. To build a good plan you need a deep understanding of the situation. You need to understand the drivers, the constraints, and the goals. Not just what they are, but the relative priorities inside and across those groups. Which means that the output of the planning process is not just the plan itself, but also a shared understanding of the problem and solution space.

It’s that shared understanding that really provides the long term value. You start with the plan and the first step in the plan. Then, as reality diverges more and more from the plan, the entire team can work together, with that shared understanding of the solution space, towards a solution to the problem the team set out to solve.

Not necessarily the solution as envisioned in the original plan. Reality has provided direct and imperative feedback on the situation. The team needs take that into consideration and update the plan, and the end goal, accordingly.

Because plans are worthless, but planning is essential to solving the customer problem you set out to solve.

by Leon Rosenshein

Cloth or Die

You’ve probably heard of Adam Savage, of Mythbusters and fame. Lots of fun stuff there. And lots to learn as well. Every once and a while he’ll need to cut something. Depending on what it is, he’ll reach for a different tool. Plasma cutter for steel plate, Pipe cutter for pipe. Scissors for paper, cloth, aluminum and sheet metal. 

Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t use the same scissors for all of them. Aluminum and sheet metal use one set, and they’re a lot beefier and have a much longer moment arm. One thing that might be surprising is that he doesn’t use the same scissors for cloth and paper. In fact, there are lots of kinds of scissors. Sure, they’re all hand operated and have moving blades, but they’re pretty different and some have specific uses. And apparently one of the mst damaging things you can do with a pair of scissors is cut paper. As he put it in his 20 minute video on scissors, on his cloth scissors he wrote “cloth or die” to make sure no one gets it wrong.

The same holds true in software. Consider the Collection. There are lots of different collection types, but in general a collection is a bag of stuff. It Depends. With enough extra code you can use almost any collection type to provide almost any functionality. But that doesn’t mean you should. What kind of collection you should use depends on what you want/need to do with the collection. Need really fast access to a statically indexed/ordered collection? Probably want an array. Or maybe a hash/map. Need to guarantee that there’s only one value for a given key? Try a set. Are there more reads or writes? Does it need to be sorted somehow? Do you need to maintain the order things were added? Are there memory constraints? All these things go into the decision making process.

So next time you need to maintain a collection of things make sure you know how you’re going to use it. And make sure you don’t earn the Wrong Scissors (de)merit badge.

by Leon Rosenshein

Continuous Education

One of the things that I think is important for developers is continuous learning. There’s always something. From new fields to new techniques in an old field to new tools to really understanding the toolsets that are already in use.

Consider MS Word (or Google Docs). It took me a surprisingly long time to really internalize how to handle simple layout in those tools. Using page and section breaks instead of just hitting enter a bunch. Or using “Repeat as header row” for big tables. It takes a little longer at first, but until you really start doing things that way you end up spending a lot of time manually fixing the format of things. And still end up weird gaps in your docs where you used space to format and then something else changed and screwed it up.

The same is true for most (all?) of the tools we regularly use. Shell aliases. Shell pipelines. Git power tools. Rectangular operations on VSCode/Jetbrains/<Editor of choice>. There are the things we do all the time, the things we do occasionally and look up the details for, and things we have workarounds for, because we never figured out a better way.

One of the reasons I like to work through problems with others, beyond the immediate benefit of a fresh viewpoint and different experiences, is learning more about the tools we share, but use in different ways. Next time you’re pair/ensemble working with someone and you see someone do something in an interesting way stop and get more details. It’s a great way to learn something new, and if you’re in a group setting, you probably won’t be the only one.

Another great resource is MIT’s Missing Semester of your CS Education. A set of sessions that talk about using the tools of the trade. Not the algorithms, data structures, compiler design, or architecture patterns. Instead, how to get the most out of your tools. Automation. Validation. Consistency. How to remove friction from your daily life. Because very often the best way to be faster overall is not by increasing top speed, but by removing drag when you’re going slowest.

by Leon Rosenshein

Like A Baby

Slept like a baby

Taking candy from a baby

Taking baby steps

What do those phrases mean to you? The generally accepted meaning is something like

Slept like a baby        -> Slept soundly and deeply

Taking candy from a baby -> Easy

Taking baby steps        -> small tentative steps

I’ve got 4 kids, and let me tell you, in my experience, reality doesn’t match that. Babies may fall asleep at random times, but they can fight it if there’s something interesting to them, and when they do fall asleep they’ve all got unique hair triggers that will wake them up and keep them from going back to sleep.

Have you ever tried to take something from a baby or toddler that wants what it has? It’s not easy. If they hold it it’s theirs. If they can see it, it’s theirs. If they once saw it and want it now, it’s theirs. When my oldest was a baby she got a hold of her hair and wanted to taste it. But it wasn’t long enough, so she pulled on it. It hurt so she grabbed tighter and pulled harder. You can see where this is going. We had to pry her tiny little fingers out of her hair to get her to calm down. Definitely not easy to take something they want.

Baby steps. When a baby goes from crawling to cruising he furniture to walking they do take small steps. But that’s because their legs are so short. They can’t take bigger steps. But I wouldn’t call them tentative. All walking is falling with style, catching yourself before it’s too late. But babies don’t know that they can catch themselves. They throw it all out there and hope. Eventually they figure out how to catch themselves. That’s not tentative. That’s confident and assertive.

By now you’re asking what this has to do with software development. First, easy things often aren’t. After all we’ve got compilers, so anything is possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy or that it has no other impacts. Ownership and boundaries are real obstacles. And just like my daughter and her hair, we’re dealing with systems with inherent feedback loops, and sometimes those loops can make things worse. Putting a load balancer in front of multiple instances of a service makes things more scalable and resilient, until you hit some point and a slight delay in one instance causes the entire system to become unstable and fall over.

Second, doing things in small steps. Doing things in small steps makes sense. Do the smallest thing that you expect to add value. You don’t know if it will since you haven’t done it. But do it completely. Do the whole thing. If refactoring is needed, do it. If data migration is needed, do it. Take the step. Then catch yourself. Reevaluate and do it again.

That’s how software development is like talking about babies. What about slept like a baby you might be asking. That’s just there because it’s wrong, just like the other two, and I think lists should have at least three items, or they’re not lists.

by Leon Rosenshein


“Bounded Contexts” sounds stuffy and arcane, the sort of term whiteboard warriors would cook up so henceforth I’ll refer to them as “Realms” because Realms have boundaries and Context is King.

    -- Dan Bara

As I’ve mentioned, I think context is important. And I like bounded contexts because boundaries are important too. They help in knowing what you need to worry about and what you don’t.

But as Dan points out, the term bounded contexts is pretty abstract. It’s not a term used in the physical world. Noone points to a patch of ground and says “That’s a bounded context”. Also, “bounded context” sounds static to me. It makes it seem like the bounds are fixed, unchanging.

I think that does a real disservice to people trying to learn about them. Because there’s a lot of tension on the boundaries. Is something inside or outside? Should it be inside or outside? If it were up to the thing itself, would it want to be inside or outside?

Which is where Realms comes in. Realms have clear borders. Often there's some kind of process/ceremony when you change realms. Sometimes there's even a cost. Meanwhile, the realm is held together by a shared something. A context if you will, that all inhabitants of the realm agree on. They might not all like it, but while inside the realm they use that context. Sometimes a group leaves. Realms get split apart. Sometimes realms join, like the cities of Buda and Pesht. Sometimes there’s struggle, and sometimes it’s easy, like Pheasant Island. The key though, is dynamism and tension.

The same holds true with software and bounded contexts. In your typical e-commerce system you’ve got customers, orders, inventory, and more. Which domain is pricing in? Is it part of the inventory? What about sales and specials? Coupons and discount codes? Preferred pricing? Are they all their own domains? Lots of options. All are correct in some ways, but incorrect in others. So you pick one. Then you pay attention to the tension. And when necessary, the boundaries shift. Just like in the physical world.

I’m still going to call them bounded contexts, because in the ubiquitous language of software development the term has shared meaning, but in the back of my head I’ll keep the idea of realms and their tension in mind.

by Leon Rosenshein

More Comments

Code should be self documenting. That sounds good, but what does it mean? It’s about making your code legible. Names of things, variable, method, class, package, library, executable, etc should mean something. What the code is doing should be obvious from reading. Encapsulation and decomposition helps a lot here.

Writing the code itself is a conversation between you and the compiler/interpreter. It has to be very precise in what it does. And since it defines what happens, it is the ultimate source of truth for how things will be handled. But it’s not the source of truth for everything that was in your head during the conversation.

That’s where comments come in. They’re a conversation with the next developer that provides context for the maintainer. Even (especially?) if it’s you. Things like why the code was written this way. The external constraints that had to be met. The choices not taken. Things that work fine now, but will be a problem later when scale changes.

And since they’re a conversation with another person they don’t have the limitations of whatever language you’re writing in. They can be about more than the why. You can talk about approximations. You can talk about generalities. You can talk about how this piece is expected to fit into the bigger picture without breaking your encapsulation. You can have simple artwork like flowcharts or truth tables. You can even have links to entire documents that provide even more context.

So don’t let anyone tell you that your code is fully self documenting and there’s no need to add comments. Your code isn’t, and there is a need.

Just don’t add comments like this

// Increment i